Slot Machine Gaming

Lucky Link UI/UX Animations

I've been immersed in the slot machine industry since 2008, beginning my career as an artist before quickly advancing to lead roles. Throughout my journey, I've created static art, animations in After Effects, Flash, and Spine, while driving the evolution of UI/UX design. In 2014, I launched my own business, expanding my skillset to include C#, Python, GLSL, and HLSL as I collaborated with a diverse range of teams. Working closely with designers, mathematicians, developers, sound designers, and producers, I craft engaging and dynamic gaming experiences that captivate players

Ultra Lucky Link Series

I was the flagship artist on the Ultra Lucky Link Series, Designing all UI and UX, top-screens, effects, mapping out coordinates, animations, particles, fonts, and creating clones for games.


Topscreen Wheel-Spin

I worked closely with development and sound-design to create all art and animation for the Lucky-Link basegame and topscreen. All wheel UI was designed using 9-slicing techniques, sprite-sheets, and particles. No binks needed. It was some of the best performance out of all of the company’s games.

UI/UX in Slot-Gaming

I come from a Graphic Design background and proper UI/UX is very important to me. I redesigned the UI/UX for most of the companies I have worked for. I want art that can be seen from across the room and is pleasing to the eye while enticing players to come to the cabinet. The saying is, “Art gets players to the game, math keeps them there.” All UI, fonts, UX, bingo cards, and buttons are done by me in the following images. Background art may have been done by another artist.


This is a collection of different animations I have done over the years for several slot-machine companies